Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Tiger and The Obscene

Now this is just something random I whipped together but I love it. VERY BUSY AND A TIGER AND PILLS DON'T ASK...


Blue is such a cool color. Just a couple of blue watery pieces that I had fun making there is a lot of little hidden things in my work I like making people think when they look at my work I hide things in the background like I do in my illustrations so everybody will see something different when they are looking at my work.

Oh yeah and I will upload some of my digital illustrations soon..


DREAM CLOSE RANGE what does this mean? I have lots of goals and dreams that I am working to get to, and what is really sad is that I know people who are just content with working a 9 to 5 and doing nothing in life. I've been told that I'm a FREE SPIRIT i live everyday to the fullest and you should to. I always think that when I sit on my death bed and am about to GO, I can just sit there and think about all the cool things I've done and all the awesome people I've meet and affected. PLus I can never die I'm gonna live thru my art FOREVER.........

The Eve of the END or the End of EVE....2012

One of my guys little brothers said something really funny to him about life and the world ending in 2012, I have heard all the hype but I compare this Mayan Calender stuff to the YRK junk. But ever since my guy Kwest told me what his brother said I have made a couple of darker pieces like these two and my LAST DAYZ post. 3 years to go!!!!!!!!!LOL

This Woman's Worth //// Faithful from Commons Be Album

I was listening to a song Faithful by Common on his Be album and he was rapping about God being a woman, and he wondered if God was his girlfriend how would he treat her. The song and the album are dope check it out if you haven't heard it. That song made me make these to pieces, I get inspired when I hear good music LOL.

Save Her from Herself////Mini Man

The little guy can only do so much. I was looking at a book by my favorite artist Salvador Dali, and after about 15 minutes of looking at his crazy work I jumped on the computer created this. I really like this piece, it is one of my favorite recent abstract works I'v made.

When The Day Ends on a Sad Note! LAST DAYZ ((For SALE))

All artwork created by AHMAD JAMES LEE, if you would like to contact me for a project or to purchase any artwork on this blog feel free to call 708 712 8368 or email Ahmad.Lee@Iselladesigns.com TAHNX

Love Is? Beauty is Better/Bitter Series ((For SALE))

When u think of LOVE, what comes to mind?